Sunday 3 February 2013

"A man's reach must exceed his grasp, dear boy, or what the dickens is a heavens for?"
 - Raffles to Bunny

Since reading the classic,  'Raffles: the Amateur Cracksman' by E.W. Hornung in 2007, I have adopted the above quote as one of my favourite live-by sayings. When we have every tool for life within our grasp, where does the growing come in? As healthy people, we need to constantly be reaching out for what is beyond us, for what is greater than us, for what is impossible to achieve in our own strength. Life is difficult, according to Dr. M. Scott Peck in, 'The Road less Travelled'. If we are accustomed to being spoon fed or having everything laid on for us then there is no need to grow. As people we need to grow into our destinies, we need to be stretched and we need to move out of our comfort zone if we are to become who we have not yet become. Life is a journey and we should always be doing what U2 sing in, Walk on, "... packing a suitcase for somewhere we have never been before". Each of us has enormous, phenomenal and unique potential. All of us have a purpose and destiny, a God-given assignment, individualised and tailor-made to our uniqueness. We are told in Psalms 37: 4 to, "Take delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.". The desires that are in your heart are there because God has placed them there. He has implanted those into the fabric of who you are. Usually the assignment God has for us is beyond us, it is greater than us and it is impossible to achieve in our own strength. The secret to our success is given in the instructions to take delight in the Lord. He is the only one who can make the impossible a reality.
- Janet